Welcome to this week's episode, in which Lisa compares me to baked goods. I think I'm more like a Disney villain, but benevolent. You be the judge.
Dear Drama Mamas
I'm the new gm of a social guild. As such we find that we get a lot of players who are new to the game entirely. We try and help the out but lately we have a number of new people who seem to be taking the "we are happy to help" and running it for all it's worth.
I'm a firm believer is looking for the solution yourself and then asking if you don't find anything. Particularly with resources like wowhead, noxxix, wow insider and blogs for every other thing you could ever hope for.
We have had a particular member in our guild that I'm concerned about. He asks very simple, somewhat silly questions and doesn't listen. He wants instant help and wants it all handed out on a silver platter. He randomly adds people to groups with no warning, asks for info regarding quests when he won't read quest text or look up on wowhead.
I had a two very big talks with him about what he needs to do but he kept saying "but aren't guilds here to help me"
I know he wants to raid with us but I'm already having concerns about his ability to listen to instructions. I've also been getting an increasing number of comments from other members who are getting frustrated about how he handles himself.
I just have no idea how to handle it. In my head it seems like "not listening" is a extreme reason for asking someone leave, however he doesn't appear to be willing to help himself and I feel like I'm hitting my head against a against a brick wall.
what have I gotten myself into
- If you don't have rules posted, do it now. Include "no begging" and define that as begging not just for things but for help as well. My rule is that anyone can ask once for help. If no one responds, then asking again right away is begging. Begging players get one warning and then a kick if repeated.
- Post ramifications. As I said, I give one warning. If you want to give three, it's up to you. But post what happens if the rules aren't obeyed.
- Post a list of resources with a friendly "Try these first before asking in guildchat for answers." It's up to you if you want to enforce it as a rule, but a list of resources helps everyone -- especially the new players who want to learn.
- Be honest about raiding. If a player is not capable of listening to instructions or hasn't bothered to get the appropriate gear and consumables, then he shouldn't raid. Tell him straight out, but without emotion. Sugarcoating it is just going to enable his behavior.
I find that when I give my one warning, I get three kinds of reactions:
- Cooperation. "Oh, I didn't know. Sorry. I'll do that from now on." And they actually do comply, grateful that you explained things and gave them a second chance.
- Pretense. "Oh, I didn't know. Sorry. I'll do that from now on." But they don't stop. Kick 'em. Hard.
- Angry exit. They loudly say something evil in guildchat and gquit. Boo for the drama, but huzzah for the exit.
I suspect you'll be removing your particular problem from the guild soon after posting the rules. And you should. Then enjoy your much more relaxing guild.
True, before you get to the "no" part, you'll have to explain to him very clearly the type of things he needs to look up for himself. The guy's new -- throw him a bone. Point him to WoW Insider and Wowhead, and teach him how to alt-tab in and out of the game.
But after that, don't waste so much emotional energy. Just remind him: "Busy, Charlie. Check Wowhead, k?" Or if he keeps asking for help and favors, simply, "No." To recap from our advice about Charlie:
Oh sure, you can couch it a little: "Nahhh, he asked not to be called if he wasn't online," or "I'm not really up for that instance again tonight" – but ultimately, you must learn to tell this player "no." Don't allow Charlie to hold your attention and energy hostage all night. A firm, direct "no, thanks" to unwanted invitations and the sound of crickets if he continues to press too far will set a much more effective pattern than caving in to his pestering and demands. It could backfire, of course, and offend him so much that he leaves.
(And really now -- would you miss him?)
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