Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Queue: I'll take it

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mike Sacco will be your host today.

You know, it was a tough call, but I think I'm gonna take this weapon and use it. Yep.

Kent1 asked:

This has probably been asked before so apologies. What exactly is the reasoning for the switch to class/spec specific quest rewards?

Outside of (conveniently) being able to pick items for an off-spec, I'm actually a little miffed about possibly having to take a mediocre upgrade instead of that nice weapon that vendors for an extra 20g. Just seems like they're fixing something that isn't really broken.

Really, it's about getting you more gear. Every quest that gives an item is guaranteed to give you an item that works for your spec. If you don't need it, you can always sell it, just like you would anyway.

There are other motivations too, obviously, like preventing the quest-reward misclick altogether.

winstonbolen asked:

Quick D3 (but sorta WoW related question). When I need to move wow to another computer I know I can just move the entire folder over without an actual installation, Does this also hold true for d3? I have multiple PCs at home that my kids I will be playing from and I'd rather not kill my bandwidth with multiple downloads and installs.

The client folder for Diablo III is portable just like WoW's.

Amaxe asked:

I know that the level cap hasn't been opened in beta, so flight questions are not answerable yet, but has datamining turned up any new flight skills to save up for or is +310% still the highest?

Nope, it looks like 310% is here to stay as the highest flight speed. The devs have mentioned that they don't want to go any higher than that. There are technical issues, too, with the server being able to keep track of where you are, past a certain speed point.

glyneth asked:

Do you think that Blizz requires their reps to pick non-standard names so they can use them for mobs in their games? Otherwise, we'd be fighting Todd, Brian, and Michelle.

Nah! It's just the rules. When I worked for Blizzard and picked my forum name, the guidelines were basically "it has to sound like it comes from a fantasy setting." The only reps who don't use this are Tech Support reps, who use their first name and last initial for their forum name.

Alexey asked:

Here's a question for long-time WoW players. When did WoW community start calling damage-dealers DPS? I mean, when did this word become a name of role, not just a number?
Was it this way from beginning, or did it start later - maybe with addon popularity?

The term "DPS" is older than WoW, but I think most MMOs used the term "DD" to describe the class role prior to WoW.

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