Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Breakfast Braggosh Adventures: Braggosh goes to the Darkmoon Faire

Braggosh decided to go to the Darkmoon Faire and have a sandbox adventure. Check out the thrilling footage above.

Darkmoon Faire Island has been out for many months now, and we've grown accustomed and used to the place. This morning, I finally got my first Pit Fighter trinket and realized that I still really love the Faire. Since it only comes around for a certain amount of time per month, the experience is still fairly new each time. I've gotten into a nice routine for the Faire where I never forget my flour for the cooking monthly and know my routes. I've gotten bullseyes on the cannon for three Faires in a row.

How are you still liking the Faire? What changes do you think Blizzard can make to the Faire that might create some more buzz over time? Where should Braggosh adventure next?

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